Content updates – Rebel Rock Racing

Content updates are like a middle child, much loved but sometimes neglected. Content management systems are supposed to put content updates and creation in your client's hand. But simply having the tools is not enough if you don't the time or the basic skills required.

Why even the smallest of jobs can be disproportionately important to both you and your clients

This is a point that is universally true. Having a scalpel won't make me a surgeon, and owning a saw won't make me a cabinet maker. Just giving a client the keys to WordPress will really help them with content updates. They will also need a lot of skills that I take for granted.

  • Copy-writing
  • Asset acquisition
  • Editing
  • Layout
  • Photo editing
  • Knowledge of wordpress
  • A basic IT skill-set

And most importantly, the one thing that requires a bullet list all to itself.

  • Time

Many of my clients don't have the time or even the inclination to learn this, so they end up by asking me to do it and I am always happy to oblige.

content updates

The Rebel Rock Racing website needs regular but infrequent updates. It involves putting in a news story, a little bit of formatting, and finally adding the story to the homepage carousel.

It's a 10 minute job for me but a much longer task for my client.

The point of all this is that there is value in knowledge. It speeds up processes and enables you to present a guarantee to clients. Every story I put online quickly and accurately just adds incrementally to the most important aspect any client agency relationship, which is trust.